Quarantine Chronicles
Wood Slice Art

"During the Quarantine of 2020, I find myself exiled from my large formal studio and forced to work small at my limited home space. My work is evolving into small sketches per say chronicling concepts of race, gender, history and most importantly how this reflection during isolation effects our present.
While making these sketches I realize they are a great addition for a future installation, a large visual timeline of the past of the African female. This exhibition in Spring 2021 will be something stunning when it is done!"

12x15 Mixed Media/Collage on Wood Slice 2021


15x12 2019 Mixed Media/Collage on Wood Slice

13x9 2022

15x12 2021 Mixed Media/Collage on Wood Slice

2019 11x14 Birchwood Slice

8x10 Mixed Media/Collage on Wood Slice 2020

16x12 Mixed Media/Collage on Wood Slice 2020

11x14 Mixed Media/Collage on Wood Slice 2020